Our Vision & Mission

We want to build God-centered disciples who live out God’s Word and to lead people to Christ.

We envision a church that nurtures God’s children through God’s Word and brings God’s love and salvation to individuals and communities, both locally and globally.

Our Core Values

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” 

Luke 10:27

1. Love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength and with all our mind.

a. We orient our heart to be God-centered.

b. We open our soul to be in union with Christ through worship and prayer.

c. We challenge our mind to know the Word of God.

d. We build up our strength by living out His Word as His disciples and His stewards under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  


2. Love our neighbor as ourselves

a. We love our brothers and sisters by developing our relationships in fellowships and other activities as member of one family and serving our church together.

b. We love those outside the church by welcoming them into our midst to experience God’s presence among us. 

c. We love our community by being salt and light to help them know God. 

d. We love the world by actively supporting world mission to bring the Gospel to the end of the earth.